Bachelor's Degree

Through the educational offer of the three specialties in the music field, our faculty provides the students with the necessary framework for artistic evolution in the field of instrumental or vocal interpretation together with the discovery of pedagogical or conducting vocation. Within the theatre studies the student can opt for the Specialization of Performing Arts - Acting in Romanian or German. Experienced teachers will closely follow their footsteps on the arduous journey of artistic perfection. The eager student will have the opportunity to get in touch with established artists of the great European scenes, often invited to give master classes in our faculty.


“I play every rehearsal as though it were the last,
and then I enjoy playing more than ever.”

By promoting the development of talent in an organic manner, students are able to refine their instrument technique, aesthetic taste and interpretative vision to enhance a distinct artistic personality. At individual meetings with prestigious names of interpretative art, students are encouraged to find their own artistic identity, which will provide the most valuable gift in the music domain: authenticity. Students will come in contact with their own vulnerability in exploring the solo repertoire; they will gain experience in collaborating with others while exploring the intimate world of chamber music and that of subordinating to a vision belonging to a conductor as well as in investigating the orchestral repertoire. In parallel, students can free themselves of the music notation constraints, attending jazz classes where they work closely with masters of this genre, giving free rein to creative imagination. Students' scenic appearances alongside their mentors are a good starting point for gaining the confidence they need all along their artistic career. Excellence in interpretation will be rewarded with annual concerts supported by the students of our college as soloists, accompanied by the Banat Philharmonic Orchestra as well as collaborations with the National Opera House in Timisoara. Future soloists, members of the orchestras of cultural institutions in the country or abroad, teachers who teach the accumulated artistic dowry are just a few of the options for the graduates of this specialization.

“I think a life lived in music is a life lived beautifully”

Students who choose to refine the art of singing in our school will be trained to meet the changing needs of their artistic career. At the individual meetings with the masters of the vocal art, the students will explore the brilliant world of opera, the introverted world of the oratory and the intimate, luminous chamber world of the lied. They will also have the opportunity to study the musical repertoire in a way in which elements specific to this musical genre are explored. The approach of a variety of repertoires, from the implementation of sound emission techniques specific to the interpretation of old music to the performance required for the interpretation of new music, are prerequisites closely followed by the tutors of artistic destinies within this specialization. In parallel, students can get rid of the musical notation constraints, frequent jazz classes, where they will work with masters of this musical genre, giving free rein to their creative imagination. Students' scenic appearances alongside their mentors are a good starting point for gaining the confidence they need all along their artistic career. Excellence in interpretation will be rewarded with annual concerts supported by the students of our college as soloists, accompanied by the Banat Philharmonic Orchestra, and collaborations with the National Opera House in Timisoara. The soloist's busy but attractive career, the experience of collaborating in choral singing, chamber ensembles or teaching career are options the young graduate can choose in discovering their artistic path.

“If anyone had conducted a work by Beethoven
and after the concert found no need to consult an osteopath,
something did not go well”

A holistic view of the educational act, awareness of the great importance of education in social life, are guiding principles that the teachers of this specialization try to instill in their students. The rigor of musical analysis, pedagogical tact, organic vision of the conductor, in-depth understanding of a musical text or refinement of aesthetic taste are learned by students frequenting collective and individual classes supported by consecrated composers, musicologists and conductors. In parallel, students can get rid of the music notation constraints, frequenting jazz classes where they will work closely with masters of this genre, giving free rein to their creative imagination. Students' scenic appearances alongside their mentors are a good starting point for gaining the confidence they need all along their artistic career. The pursuit of a prestigious pedagogical career, a scientific activity in the field of musicology, cultural management or artistic management are some of the options open to the young graduates. The music critique or creative activity of the radio-TV music producer is also a possibility that the graduate can explore.

Field of study: Theatre
Performing arts – acting (Romanian language)
Mode of study: full time study
Graduation form: BA study program
Title: degree in performing arts

Chart of discipline
Academic year 2017-2018

-History of universal theatre
-Education and expression of stage speech
-Stage speech technique
-Training of body expression
-Film acting
-Creative theatre workshop
-Improvisation workshop
-Aesthetics of performing arts
-History of the Romanian theatre
-English language
-German language
-Mask and make-up
-Relation actor – stage director
-Vocal technique – canto
-Elaboration of the bachelor paper
Field of study: Theatre
Performing arts – acting (German language)
Mode of study: full time study
Graduation form: BA study program
Title: degree in performing arts

Chart of discipline
Academic year 2017-2018

-History of universal theatre
-Education and expression of stage speech
-Stage speech technique
-Training of body expression
-Film acting
-Creative theatre workshop
-Improvisation workshop
-Aesthetics of performing arts
-History of the German theatre
-English language
-German language
-Mask and make-up
-Relation actor – stage director
-Vocal technique – canto
-Elaboration of the bachelor paper