Faculty of Music and Theatre

Born in 1906, abusively shut down twice by the communist authorities throughout its history, the Faculty of Music and Theater has been re-established by musicians and teachers who have grasped the urgent necessity of having such an institution in the capital of Banat. In the current form, the Faculty of Music and Theater was re-established in 1990, functioning as one of the eleven faculties of the West University of Timisoara. The Faculty of Music and Theater offers to high school graduates with a baccalaureate diploma as well as graduates of the faculty four specializations in the bachelor’s cycle: MUSIC INTERPRETATION - INSTRUMENTS, MUSIC INTERPRETATION - CANTO, MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS - ACTING (in Romanian and German) as well as STILISTICS OF MUSIC INTERPRETATION - Instruments/Chamber Music/Canto/Choir Conducting for the Master's degree studies. Starting with the academic year 2017-2018, within the Faculty of Music and Theater, there is a new specialization in the master's degree studies: PERFORMING ART OF THEATER
MODULE I The Art of Theater Acting
MODULE II The art of Musical Theater Acting.
Starting with the academic year 2015-2016, within the Faculty of Music and Theater operates the Doctoral School of Music.

The mission of the Faculty of Music and Theatre is at the same time cultural, scientific and formative. Through highly qualified teaching staff and attractive curricular offer, our institution trains specialists both in the fields of music and theatre interpretation and creation as well as in the fields of research and pedagogy. Our institution forms specialists both in the domains of musical and theatre interpretation and creation as well as in the domain of research and pedagogy.

Prof. univ. Dr. Violeta ZONTE
Email: violeta.zonte@e-uvt.ro

Associate Dean: Lect. dr. Cristina Alina MĂLĂNCIOIU
Email: cristina.constantin@e-uvt.ro